First Day Hike
Glen Elder State Park, Glen Elder, Kansas *First Day Hike is a national event, hosted by State Parks nationwide. The First Day Hike at Waconda Lake is a "group hike," with social distancing, involving all ages. January 1, 2020
Extra Goals! The National First Day Hike at Glen Elder State Park will have an extra goal for this year's event. With the social distancing of COVID challenges, more people are being encouraged to participate by offering additional incentives.
Please arrive on time, for this relaxing walk in the Park. Join us for our first First Day Hike, “Take Care of Yourself, Enjoy the Great Outdoors!”
Learn More About "National" First Day Hikes @
- Registrants who complete the walk will be eligible for a 2021 year-long *park pass. Park passes are limited to one per family that walks, and non-transferable. Please have your I.D. *Up to 50 free one-year park passes for 2021.
- Other prizes are available to everyone who completes the group walk. Drawings for both children and adults will be at the completion of the hike.... *Must be present to win. Prizes include Apple Airpods, wireless earbuds, and a gift certificate for walking shoes donated by S & S Drugstore. Other prizes include Flipbelts, touchscreen gloves, Kids Fitbit watches, gaiters and headbands. Plus, RV & Sporting Goods Store at Becker Autos and Trailers is also donating a $50 gift certificate.
- Participants are invited to bring food items for the local food pantry - collected on behalf of KDWPT.
Please arrive on time, for this relaxing walk in the Park. Join us for our first First Day Hike, “Take Care of Yourself, Enjoy the Great Outdoors!”
- Updates will be available and inquires can be made on the Glen Elder State Park Office Facebook page and the Waconda Cultural Association Facebook page.
Learn More About "National" First Day Hikes @